WaterWings Seaplanes
Areas of Operations and Tasks Required for Commercial SEL to Commercial SES
I:Preflight Preparations
F: Performance and Limitations
G: Operation of Systems
I: Water and Seaplane Characteristics. Seaplane Bases, Maritime Rules, and Aids to Marine Navigation
II:Preflight Procedures
A:PreFlight Assesment
B:light Deck Management
E:Taxiing and Sailing
F:Before Takeoff Check
III:Airport and Seaplane Base Operations
B: Traffic Patterns
IV:Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds
A:Normal Takeoff and Climb
B:Normal Approach and Landing
G:Confined Area Takeoff And Maximum Performance Climb
H:Confined Area Approach and Landing
I:Glassy Water Takeoff and Climb
J:Glassy Water Approach and Landing
K:Rough Water Takeoff and Climb
L:Rough Water Approach and Landing
V:Performance and Ground Reference Maneuvers
- VI:Navigation
- None
Slow Flight and Stalls
High Altitude Operations
Emergency Operations
Multi Engine Operations
Post Flight Procedures
B: Seaplane Post Landing Procedures